姓 名:邹小明
籍 贯:江西省赣州市
职 称:教授
IWA会员,国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家,江西省科技会评专家,Current Medicinal Chemistry、Current Pharmaceutical Design客座编辑(Guest editor),Water Research、Journal of Hazardous Materials等期刊审稿人
1、 主持江西省高校改革项目2项
2、 主持获井冈山大学教学成果奖一等奖1项,二等奖1项
3、 指导学生获全国大学生生命科学竞赛国赛特等奖1项、国赛一等奖2项,大学生“挑战杯”省赛三等奖3项
1、 国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:32160303),四环素类抗生素与Cu (II)联合污染对细菌耐药质粒接合转移的影响及其形成机制,2022.01-2025.12,35万元,主持,在研
2、 江西省重点研发计划科技合作项目(批准号:20211-025333),基于黑水虻的赤霉酸菌渣无害化处置及资源化关键技术,2022.01-2023.12,50万元,主持,在研
3、 国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:41461094),酸化加剧对红壤中有机磷农药生态毒性的影响及其毒理学机制-以赤子爱胜蚓为例,2022.01-2025.12,50万元,主持,结题
4、 国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:31760165),农田土壤中Suls抗性基因对磺胺类抗生素污染响应的构效关系及其机制,2018.01-2021.12,44.4万元,主持,结题
5、 江西省科技厅基地和人才计划项目,邹小明杰出青年人才计划项目,2019.01-2021.12,30万元,主持,结题
6、 江西省自然科学基金项目(批准号:20181BAB203023),定量评价土壤微生物ARGs对抗生素污染响应特性的方法构建及其QSAR应用-以江西红壤为例,2018.01-2020.01,6万元,主持,结题
7、 吉安市科技支撑计划项目,基于黑水虻(H.illucens)的畜禽粪便资源化利用关键技术研发与应用,10万元,主持,已结题
1、 2020年度江西省自然科学家三等奖
2、 江西省首届生态学会青年科技奖
1、 Jiang Zhangsong, Huang Liangliang, Fan Yuxing, Zhou Shifan, Zou Xiaoming*. Contrasting effects of microplastic aging upon the adsorption of sulfonamides and its mechanism[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 430: 132939. (中科院1区TOP, IF2021=16.744)
2、 Fan Yuxing; Xiong, Yingying, Zhang Yingying, Jiang Zhangsong, Tang Haihui, Wu Ligui, Li Mi *, Xiao Xiaoyu, Hu Cui, Zou Xiaoming*. Method to characterize color of biochar and its prediction with biochar yield as model property. Biochar, 2021, 3, 687-699. (中科院1区TOP, IF2021=11.452)
3、 Wu Ligui, Wei Quantao, Zhang Yingying, Fan Yuxing, Li Mi, Rong Lingling, Xiao Xiaoyu, Huang Xiangfeng, Zou Xiaoming*. Effects of antibiotics on enhanced biological phosphorus removal and its mechanisms. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 774, 11. (中科院2区TOP, IF2021=10.753)
4、 Li Mi, Rong Lingling, Zhou Shifan, Xiao Xiaoyu, Wu Ligui, Fan Yuxing, Lu Conghui, Zou Xiaoming*. Dissipation of Sulfonamides in Soil Emphasizing Taxonomy and Function of Microbiomes by Metagenomic Analysis. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68(47): 13594-13607. (中科院1区TOP, IF2021=4.192)
5、 Fan Yuxing, Huang Liangliang, Wu Ligui, Zhang Chuanting, Zhu Shuhui, Xiao xiaoyu, Li Mi *, Zou Xiaoming*. Adsorption of sulfonamides on biochars derived from waste residues and its mechanism. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021, 406, 124291. (中科院1区TOP, IF2021=14.224)
6、 Wu Ligui, Xiao Xiaoyu, Chen Fen, Zhang Huan, Huang Liangliang, Rong Lingling, Zou Xiaoming*. New parameters for the quantitative assessment of the proliferation of antibiotic resistance genes dynamic in the environment and its application: A case of sulfonamides and sulfonamide resistance genes. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 726: 138516. (中科院2区TOP, IF2021=10.753)
7、 Zou Xiaoming#, Xiao Xiaoyu#, Zhou Hanfeng, Chen Fen, Zeng Jianjun, Wang Wenbiao, Feng Guanping, Huang Xiangfneg*. Effects of soil acidification on the toxicity of organophosphorus pesticide on Eisenia fetida and its mechanism. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 359, 365-372. (中科院1区TOP, IF2021=14.224)
1、 邹小明,肖小雨, 李蜜. 一种结合河道边坡治理的污水处理方法. ZL202110888881.5. 2021. 中国
2、 邹小明, 吴礼贵. 一种实现固液油三者分离的生活污水处理装置. ZL202110828572.9. 2021. 中国
3、 邹小明, 吴礼贵. 一种水体富营养化产物自动清理系统, ZL202110806196.3, 2021. 中国