姓 名:黄志强
籍 贯:福建省莆田市
职 称: 副教授
1、 指导本科生发表高水平论文论文3篇,指导学生在全国高校矿物加工工程专业学生实践作品大赛、全国冶金院校(矿业、环境、交通类类学科)研究生vnsc威尼斯城官网论坛上多次获奖
2、 2019年获批校级大学生创新创业训练计划1项
3、 2020年获校青年科技标兵
1、 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目,U1607108,“双子星座”捕收剂分子设计、合成及在盐湖钾盐矿浮选应用的基础研究,2017/01-2019/12,70万元,主持,已结题
2、 江西省自然科学基金重点项目,20202ACBL213008,锂云母矿高效浮选捕收剂分子组装设计,2020/01-2022/12,20万元,主持,在研
1、 微细粒钨资源高效清洁利用关键技术开发与示范,江西省青年科技创新奖,科技进步,省部级三等奖,2017.11.31,第一
(1) Zhiqiang Huang, Chen Cheng, Zuwen Liu, Bo Feng*, Yajing Hu, Wuhui Luo, Guichun He, Xinyang Yu, Weng Fu*, Highly efficient potassium fertilizer production by using a gemini surfactant, Green Chemistry, 2019, 21: 1406-1411.(影响因子9.48,高水平论文中科院大类一区)
(2) Zhiqiang Huang, Hong Zhong*, Shuai Wang, Liuyin Xia, Wenbo Zou, Guangyi Liu*, Investigations on reverse cationic flotation of iron ore by using a Gemini surfactant: Ethane-1,2-bis(dimethyl-dodecyl-ammonium bromide), Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 257: 218-228.(影响因子10.652,高水平论文中科院大类一区)
(3) Zhiqiang Huang, Chen Cheng, Zuwen Liu, Huiqiang Zeng, Bo Feng*, Hong Zhong, Wuhui Luo, Yajing Hu, Zhiqun Guo, Guichun He, Weng Fu*, Utilization of a new Gemini surfactant as the collector for the reverse froth flotation of phosphate ore in sustainable production of phosphate fertilizer, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 221: 108-112.(影响因子7.246,高水平论文中科院大类一区)
(4) Zhiqiang Huang, Chen Cheng, Zuwen Liu, Wuhui Luo*, Hong Zhong, Guichun He, Changli Liang, Liqing Li, Lanqing Deng, Weng Fu*, Gemini surfactant: A novel flotation collector for harvesting of microalgae by froth flotation, Bioresource Technology, 2019, 275: 421-424.(影响因子7.539,ESI高被引论文,高水平论文中科院大类一区)
(5) Zhiqiang Huang, Chen Cheng, Kun Li, Shiyong Zhang, Jianrong Zhou, Wuhui Luo*, Zuwen Liu, Weiwei Qin*, Hongling Wang, Yajing Hu, Guichun He, Xinyang Yu, Tingsheng Qiu, Weng Fu, Reverse flotation separation of quartz from phosphorite ore at low temperatures by using an emerging Gemini surfactant as the collector, Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 246: 116923. (影响因子5.774,中科院大类二区)
(6) Zhiqiang Huang, Shiyong Zhang, Feng Zhang, Hongling Wang, Jianrong Zhou, Xinyang Yu*, Rukuan Liu, Chen Cheng, Zuwen Liu*, Zhiqun Guo, Guichun He, Guanghua Ai, Weng Fu, Evaluation of a novel morpholine-typed Gemini surfactant as the collector for the reverse flotation separation of halite from carnallite ore, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020, 313: 113506. (影响因子5.065,中科院大类二区)
(7) Zhiqiang Huang, Chen Cheng, Liqing Li*, Zhizhong Guo, Guichun He, Xinyang Yu, Rukuan Liu, Haijun Han, Lanqing Deng, Weng Fu*, Morpholine-based Gemini surfactant: Synthesis and its application for reverse froth flotation of carnallite ore in potassium fertilizer production, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66: 13126-13132. (影响因子4.192,ESI热点论文,ESI高被引论文,高水平论文中科院大类一区)
(8) Zhiqiang Huang, Chen Cheng, Hong Zhong, Liqing Li*, Zhizhong Guo, Xinyang Yu, Guichun He, Haijun Han, Lanqing Deng, Weng Fu*, Flotation of sylvite from potash ore by using the Gemini surfactant as a novel flotation collector, Minerals Engineering, 2019, 132: 22-26. (影响因子3.795,ESI热点论文,ESI高被引论文,中科院矿物加工小类二区,国际权威)
(9) Zhiqiang Huang, Hong Zhong*, Shuai Wang, Liuyin Xia, Gang Zhao, Guangyi Liu*, Gemini trisiloxane surfactant: Synthesis and flotation of aluminosilicate minerals, Minerals Engineering, 2014, 56: 145-154. (影响因子3.795,中科院矿物加工小类二区,国际权威)
(10) Zhiqiang Huang, Hong Zhong*, Shuai Wang, Liuyin Xia, Guangyi Liu*, Comparative studies on flotation of aluminosilicate minerals with Gemini cationic surfactants BDDA and EDDA, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2013, 23 (10): 3055-3062. (影响因子2.615,高水平论文,国内权威)
(11) Chen Cheng, Zhiqiang Huang*, Ruirui Zhang, Jianrong Zhou, Zuwen Liu*, Hong Zhong, Hongling Wang, Zhongmin Kang, Guichun He, Xinyang Yu, Zijie Ren, Tingsheng Qiu, Yajing Hu, Weng Fu, Synthesis of an emerging morpholine-typed Gemini surfactant and its application in reverse flotation carnallite ore for production of potash fertilizer at low temperature, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 261: 121121.(影响因子7.246,高水平论文中科院大类一区)
(1) 黄志强,黄万抚,邱廷。嘈卵,李立清,魏新安,王浩林,王强强,一种脂肪族双羟肟酸类化合物在矿物浮选上的应用方法,中国,ZL201610968277.2
(2) 黄志强,邱廷。仆蚋,余新阳,李立清,刘汝宽,王浩林,王强强,王礼平,一种用于矿物浮选的吗啉季铵盐型Gemini表面活性剂,中国,ZL201710691142.0
(3) 黄志强,黄万抚,邱廷。嘈卵,李立清,刘汝宽,王浩林,王强强,王礼平,一种用于矿物浮选的三季铵盐类化合物,中国,ZL201710690974.0
(4) 黄志强,邱廷。仆蚋,余新阳,李立清,刘汝宽,王浩林,王强强,王礼平,一种用于矿物浮选的双子表面活性剂,中国,ZL201710691119.1
(5) 黄志强,邱廷。仆蚋,余新阳,李立清,魏新安,王浩林,王强强,一种酯基羟肟酸捕收剂在矿物浮选上的应用方法,中国,ZL201610956298.2
(6) 黄志强,廖春发,邱廷。钥,何桂春,黄万抚,余新阳,李立清,周贺鹏,冯博,刘汝宽,钟地长,一种稀土矿浮选捕收剂的制备方法及其应用,中国,ZL201710941687.2